for the first time in ~ 「~ぶりに」など、「久しぶり」を表現する英語


久しぶりに~する / した」という言い方はいくつかありますが、今日は私が覚えやすかった2つをご紹介していきます。

I ate instant noodles for the first time in a long time.



   for the first time in a long time


 そして、 in の後にはほかの表現も入れることができます。



I went to my parents' house for the first time in a long time.


I went to the gym for the first time in a while.


I washed the curtains for the first time in ages.


I'm going out for lunch with a friend for the first time in three month.


I went on a trip for the first time in four years.


I took an online English lesson for the first time in a few months.


The last time I took an air plane was a long time ago.


    The last time  ~ was ...



The last time I drove a car was a year ago.


when を使って、具体的な時期も言うことができます。
The last time he cooked was when he was a university student.




