end up ~ing 「(結局)~になる・~することになる」の例文


  end up ~ing   

  ~ing の部分は 動名詞です。
 今日は end up を使った下記の例文を見ていきたいと思います。

1⃣ end up ~ing

2⃣ end up not ~ing

3⃣ end up (being) 形容詞

4⃣ end up in/at 場所
5⃣ end up (as) 名詞


 end up ~ing 

end up ~ing
I bought the cheaper dishwasher but the shipping cost was very expensive.
It ended up costing more money.




end up ~ing
Even if my kids play well together at first, they end up fighting.


end up ~ing
I didn't want to do my work, I had no interest, and I ended up quitting.


end up ~ing
I was sick and tired of noisy neighbor upstairs and I ended up moving.


2⃣ end up not ~ing で「~しないという結果になるというような意味合いになります。

end up not ~ing
A lot of people graduate from education programs and end up not being able to find jobs in education.



3⃣ end up 形容詞  形容詞の前に being が入ることもあります。

end up 形容詞
You're tired of waiting for the right one or afraid you'll end up alone.


end up 形容詞
He was poor but ended up rich.   (彼は貧しかったが、結局は裕福になった。)

end up being 形容詞
You have to pay import duty tax on that item and extra shipping costs as well, so it ends up being very expensive.


4⃣ end up in / at 場所  「(最終的に)行き着く・たどり着く」

end up in 場所
I got on a bus from 6:30 in Fukuoka and ended up in Osaka.

end up in 場所
How did you end up in Japan?   (最終的にどうして日本に住むことになったの?)

end up at 場所
I went to a lot of hospitals and ended up at this hospital.


5⃣ end up 名詞  名詞の前に as を入れることもあります。

end up 名詞
I ended up a shop owner because I was sick and tired of working at a company. 


end up as 名詞
These vegetables will probably end up as feed for rabbits.


 end up の使い方はたくさんありますが、まずは end up ~ing の形で文章を作ってみることをお勧めします。





for the first time in ~ 「~ぶりに」など、「久しぶり」を表現する英語
